(Group Discussion) Start – Build – Scale: Introducing & Advancing AR/VR & Wearables in the Enterprise

9:30 am


10:20 am


“What steps do I need to take to successfully introduce and adopt AR/VR and wearables in my business?” In this session, enterprise experts discuss how to go about effectively evaluating, piloting, and deploying AR/VR and wearable tech solutions.

Getting Started

  • Identifying an entry point and documenting upfront metrics
  • Technology selection: Matching the solution to the task, user and working environment
  • Pilot: Getting stakeholder support, setting a timeline (ideal pilot duration), determining pilot parameters and KPIs, and training participants

Moving Forward & Scalability

  • Success strategies for scaling
  • Beyond the innovation department: Finding a business sponsor and working with IT, EHS, HR, etc. 
  • Scaling considerations
    ○ End user buy-in/training and business process modifications
    ○ Hardware/software costs, upkeep and management 
    ○ Data maintenance and security
  • Pitfalls from pilot to deployment: Tips for avoiding pilot purgatory and other dead ends, plus advice to those at the end of the pilot phase