Removing Roadblocks Understanding & Overcoming Challenges of Enterprise ARVR & Wearables | EWTS 2019

Video Source:
EWTS 2019


Dirk Schart
Nick Cherukuri
Eric Johnston
John McGuire
Tim Pilson
Kurt Scheuringer
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Dirk Schart | President & General Manager | RE’FLEKT

Nick Cherukuri | Founder | ThirdEye
Eric Johnston | Connected Worker Architect | ExxonMobil
John McGuire | Senior IT Architect – Cybersecurity | Duke Energy
Tim Pilson | Technology Innovation Manager | Southwest Airlines
Kurt Scheuringer | Senior Software Developer | Lockheed Martin

Three things are guaranteed in life: Death, taxes, and the uphill battle of trying to introduce new technology to change the way work gets done. In this session, enterprise experts share lessons learned and best practices for overcoming the challenges of using AR/VR and wearables.

-Major impediments facing enterprise adoption and advancement and how to avoid them

-Company culture or the technology itself: Which poses a greater threat to successful implementation and strategies for dealing with both

-Limitations of current AR/VR and wearable offerings:

*Cost, management, and maintenance

*Form factor and ergonomics

*User experience

*Durability/reliability (battery, connectivity)

*Safety (health risks)

-Corporate challenges: Industry regulations, security/privacy, and governance

-Data challenges: Storing, managing, analyzing and securing

-Scalability and sustainability challenges

Speakers from:
ThirdEye, ExxonMobil, Duke Energy, Southwest Airlines, Lockheed Martin, RE'FLEKT