The Enterprise Wearable Technology Summit (EWTS) is now The Augmented Enterprise Summit (AES) —

(Group Discussion) Enterprise XR/Wearable Hardware and Software Considerations

10:30 am


11:25 am


How have enterprise hardware and software evolved and what are the pros and cons of various options (e.g. un/tethered, tracking, inputs, outputs, un/tethered, web/cloud, un/powered, etc.). In this session, enterprise experts discuss what is required of enterprise- and industrial-grade wearable devices and applications.


  • Key features/capabilities of enterprise-ready hardware
  • Human-centered design and ergonomic factors
  • Capabilities and limitations of current generation of wearable hardware: Battery life, comfort, field of view, health risks, etc.


  • Considerations for building enterprise XR and wearable tech apps:
    ○ UX/UI, especially in industrial and hazardous environments
    ○ Screen real estate, battery, processing power, and other device limitations
    ○ Security and integration with existing systems
    ○ Lack of standardization
  • Content creation: Digital twins, BIM/CAD and other 3D models, machine data, digitizing ERPs, manuals, etc.
  • To do or not to do: Work with an ISV (Independent Software Vendor), develop an internal team, or combination?