Introducing Senz, LifeBooster’s next generation health and safety platform for forward-thinking enterprise EHS teams. Senz is a leap ahead in injury prevention, enabling visibility and insight into the safety of your most important asset - your employees. Pairing advances in predictive analytic software, real-time wireless communications and the latest in industrial wearables, you can act on workplace risks unique to your workforce in a timely manner to prevent injuries before they occur.
Senz embraces the processes and strategies you already rely on for accurate injury risk assessment. Senz enables you to take the next step in transforming your practice to a predictive approach so that your valuable time and scarce resources are used to maximum effect. Predict your future: lowered injury rates, improved operational efficiency, savings on medical and insurance costs, and reductions in productive time losses. Get every worker home safe.
Together, we will end a world of hurt.