September 6, 2017
If you haven’t already heard, the Boston Red Sox were caught using an Apple Watch to steal opposing teams’ pitching signs during games. There’s no question that cheating is wrong. Rules are rules. But what this story highlights is just how disruptive wearable technology truly is.
There is no industry that won’t feel the impact, that won’t be forced to somehow transform, innovate and ELIMINATE–eliminate old technology (when a wearable is the superior form factor for the task,) old systems (that don’t work in a heads-up display or on the small screen real estate of a smartwatch,) old processes and procedures (that wearables can optimize,) old job positions (some jobs are going to become obsolete while new ones are created or extended,) and last but not least old rules.
This is a new era of enterprise mobility, removing shackles (for lack of a better metaphor) that we weren’t really aware of until we experienced truly hands-free and truly advanced – and sufficiently miniaturized – sensor technology. It’s not just that we need to update our mobile device management rules and strategies to account for that increased mobility, increased security risks, etc. We also need to update the rules to account for new capabilities. We cannot deny that wearables are augmenting human beings by preserving rules that punish them for taking advantage of those new capabilities. Should we really stop people from leveraging the rich information provided by wearable technologies to improve their lives, jobs and performance? In a way, banning smartwatches in baseball games – if the MLB were to go down that road – is forcibly keeping the sports industry outdated or behind the times. And I’m not so sure that’s a good move in the long run.
What are your thoughts?
About EWTS Fall 2017:
The Fall Enterprise Wearable Technology Summit 2017 taking place October 18-19, 2017 in Boston, MA is the leading event for wearable technology in enterprise. It is also the only true enterprise event in the wearables space, with the speakers and audience members hailing from top enterprise organizations across the industry spectrum. Consisting of real-world case studies, engaging workshops, and expert-led panel discussions on such topics as enterprise applications for Augmented and Virtual Reality, head-mounted displays, and body-worn devices, plus key challenges, best practices, and more; EWTS is the best opportunity for you to hear and learn from those organizations who have successfully utilized wearables in their operations.
photo credit: Phil Grondin Fenway Park via photopin (license)